Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Application has a deprecated constructor in /home/hostingc/public_html/system/core/Application.php on line 2

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Service has a deprecated constructor in /home/hostingc/public_html/system/core/Service.php on line 2

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Info has a deprecated constructor in /home/hostingc/public_html/system/modules/info/Info.php on line 2
EU Intel i7 serveri - Serveri - Hosting Centar


EU Intel i7 serveri

Vaši zahtjevi i potrebe su prerasle mogućnosti dijeljenog (shared) hostinga, reseller hostinga i VPS hostinga ili jednostavno trebate potpunu kontrolu nad web hosting opcijama i postavkama?

Imate potrebu za serverom na specifičnoj geolokaciji? Trebate mogućnost testiranja svojih aplikacija na različitim operativnim sustavima i verzijama aplikacija? Želite osigurati stabilnu osnovu za Vaše projekte koji svakodnevno privlače sve više i više korisnika?
Zakupom dediciranog servera Vaše potrebe za kvalitetnim, stabilnim i brzim web hosting rješenjem mogu biti ostvarene u kratkom roku osiguravajući Vam hosting podlogu za Vaš online dućan, stranicu sa grupnim popustima, portal i slične projekte za koje Vam je stabilnost usluge najvažnija. Ne dozvolite da, vođeni smanjenjem mjesečnih troškova, ugrozite poslovanje Vašeg online projekta.

90 €/m


Dedicirani Intel I7 server
115 €/m


Dedicirani Intel I7 server
115 €/m


Dedicirani Intel I7 server
Intel® Core™ i7 CPU Haswell      
Intel® Core™ i7 CPU      
RAM 32 GB 32 GB 48 GB
HDD 2x2 TB 2x240 GB 2x2 TB
SSD HDD      
Software RAID      
Hardware RAID (4 port) +39.90€ +39.90€ +39.90€
Internet promet 20000 GB 20000 GB 20000 GB
IP v4 adresa 1 1 1
IP v6 subnet (/64)      
Setup servera** +90€ +75€  
Server monitoring      
Rescue sustav      
Statistike prometa      
DDR3 RAM      
1 Gbit uplink      
+1 IP v4 adresa (3 max) +4.65€ +4.65€ +4.65€
+6 IP v4 adresa (/29)* +39.70€ +39.70€ +39.70€
+14 IP v4 adresa (/28)* +66.30€ +66.30€ +66.30€
+30 IP v4 adresa (/27)* +96.30€ +96.30€ +96.30€
16 GB USB** +66.30€ +66.30€ +66.30€
64 GB USB** +199€ +199€ +199€
Basic managed +55€ +55€


Full managed +135 +135€ +135€
WHM/cPanel +85€ +85€ +85€
Softaculous +6.50€ +6.50€ +6.50€
Instalatron +9.20€ 6€ +69 kn/9.16€
WHM Sonic +9.20€ +9.20€ +9.20€
CentovaCast +39.99€ +39.99€ +39.99€
Windows 2012 R2 Standard +35€ +35€ +35€
Windows 2012 R2 Datacentar +190€ +190€ +190€
SSL certifikat već od 19.90€/g već od19.90€/g već od 19.90€/g
*nužan je tehnički razlog za alokaciju prema RIPE smjernicama     
***navedene cijene uključuju PDV      
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